Characteristics and results of military vocational English language exams and language training in domestic cadet training

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Gyöngyi Fábián
Erzsébet Kopházi-Molnár


One of the official languages of NATO is English, so the professional language skills acquired in this language, which are also measured by two professional language exams in Hungary: ARMA and NATO STANAG 6001, seem to be essential for the successful functioning of Hungarian soldiers participating in military operations. In our work, we first turn our attention to the similar and different characteristics of the two exams with regard to the oral exam part that places oral communication at the centre. This was performed by analysing the data of the exam documents. In the following, our investigation dealing with the exploration of domestic experiences related to the teaching of the military technical language and the successful completion of the general or the technical language exam investigates whether professional English language instruction takes place in cadet training and if so, in what way, in which type of institution and with what efficiency. Based on the results of a questionnaire applied among language teachers participating in cadet education (N=25), it can be concluded that the language training at school is mostly characterized by preparation for the intermediate level graduation in English (CEF B1 level) in HKP I. and HKP II. (Military Cadet Program) schools participating in the program. The interest in the professional language exam is present, but the related knowledge and the use of the teaching materials developed for this purpose in education are quite incomplete. Even those students who study in the HKP III. program and take a language exam mainly prepare for a general (i.e. not extended with professional material) language exam.


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How to Cite
Fábián, G., & Kopházi-Molnár, E. (2023). Characteristics and results of military vocational English language exams and language training in domestic cadet training. Iskolakultúra, 33(9), 82–97.
Tematikus blokk: Kutatások a katonai képzések területéről külföldön és hazánkban. Dilemmák és jó megoldások

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