The role of artificial intelligence in online examination

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Nikoletta Tolner
Monika Pogátsnik
Judit Módné Takács


Artificial intelligence (AI) is now present in many areas of life and is playing an increasingly important role. Education 4.0 has brought new opportunities for the use of AI. Online learning opportunities, such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), are increasingly using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to improve the efficiency of knowledge transfer and educational processes. AI can help to design course materials and assessments and to evaluate student performance effectively. However, the use of AI also poses challenges, such as changes in the role of the instructor, as well as privacy and cyber security concerns. Taken as a whole, it offers promising opportunities for learners and educators and is expected to play an increasing role in education in the future, as the continuous development of AI can help to further improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education. This qualitative research investigated the knowledge of the faculty members (N=12) of the Alba Regia Technical Faculty of Óbuda University about the use of AI through focus group discussion. We aimed to map the lecturers’ knowledge, attitudes and opinions about AI methods and gain insights into their views and experiences on the topic. Our research used a combined methodological approach to explore AI tools’ potential benefits and challenges in the examination process. Our results show that AI tools can improve the examination process in higher education, however, their use requires careful consideration and monitoring.


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How to Cite
Tolner, N., Pogátsnik, M., & Módné Takács, J. (2023). The role of artificial intelligence in online examination. Iskolakultúra, 33(10), 39–55.


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