Academic resilience of secondary school students Results from a study of five different types of secondary schools in Hungary

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Balázs Fajt
Adél Vékási
Eszter Csányi
Mátyás Bánhegyi


Successfully coping with life’s unknown situations and various difficulties requires resilience, the ability to overcome and cope with challenging situations. Academic resilience is the ability of a student to innovate and adapt in order to overcome difficulties that may adversely affect their academic performance. In the present research, based on the investigated student sample, we sought to find out whether there is correlation between academic resilience and the type of secondary school attended. In order to explore this relationship, we used a questionnaire to measure academic resilience among a total of 1019 students from five different types of secondary schools. Following Cassidy (2016), we examined students’ perseverance, negative affect and emotional response, as well as reflecting and adaptive help-seeking in relation to academic resilience. Our results show that statistically significant differences between students from different schools can be identified for perseverance as well as for negative affect and emotional response. These results can serve as a point of orientation for teachers in different types of secondary schools and for higher education institutions admitting secondary school students.


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Fajt, B., Vékási, A., Csányi, E., & Bánhegyi, M. (2023). Academic resilience of secondary school students: Results from a study of five different types of secondary schools in Hungary. Iskolakultúra, 33(10), 21–38.


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