Transversal competences of technical graduates in the age of digitalisation

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Anikó Kelemen-Erdős
Éva Beke


Digitized and interconnected systems, networks, data and cybersecurity, as well as the expansion of Industry 4.0 to more industries and the development of human-machine interaction in Industry 5.0, are creating new positions and requiring new competencies and expectations. To remain competitive, intelligent factories and production companies must adopt new technologies and relevant competency schemes for recruitment. The current research aims to identify the transversal competencies of technical career entrants based on the professional and practical challenges of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 and to identify related education needs. This paper applies exploratory qualitative research based on in-depth interviews with 22 leading experts to identify the expected competencies of technical graduates, which can serve as indicators for defining the output competencies of technical higher education institutions. The research was based on grounded theory methodology. The expected competencies of employees were mapped on a competency map linked to the training areas and methods. The results of this research show that industrial needs in the field of transversal competencies are moving towards multidisciplinarity, with a complex approach increasingly expected from students. Closer links between industry and higher education and students could facilitate the development of transversal competencies in relation to current needs. This can be achieved through company visits, professional competitions, mentoring programs, and the use of methods that, in addition to integrating digital-virtual technologies into education, focus on developing social and emotional intelligence and enhancing the learning experience, such as project and design-based, and agile teaching methods, and personalized modules.


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How to Cite
Kelemen-Erdős, A., & Beke, Éva. (2023). Transversal competences of technical graduates in the age of digitalisation. Iskolakultúra, 33(8), 52–66.


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