Investigating the role of university in preparing students to enter the labour market based on interviews conducted with university students

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Zsófia Kocsis


In the 21st century, the need to develop competences has gained significance. Based on literature, soft skills help young career-starters become potential workforce. Most education systems equip graduates with the cognitive skills needed to enter the world of work. Higher education is characterized by a teacher-centred approach, which does not support the development of soft skills. In the explorative qualitative research how higher education institutions have supported students’ transition to the labour market and how their skill development were also analysed. The results of the interviews show that higher education provides a good foundation but does not sufficiently focus on the development of soft skills. The results of the qualitative research highlight a number of shortcomings in key areas, the development of which is important not only at the level of individuals but also in the long term in view of the prestige of university education.


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Kocsis, Z. (2023). Investigating the role of university in preparing students to enter the labour market based on interviews conducted with university students . Iskolakultúra, 33(6), 71–85. Retrieved from


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