Vocation or Compulsion? Vocation or compulsion?

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Éva Szabó
Gabriella Fehérváry


Commitment to a career in teaching is not only important for successful performance, but also for preventing burnout. In our research, we wanted to explore the factors that play a role in keeping teachers in the teaching profession, despite or even in spite of increasingly difficult working conditions. Our questionnaire survey, based on both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, involved 149 teachers. We used an open-ended question to investigate the factors of staying in teaching, while burnout was measured using a questionnaire developed by Jagodics and Szabó (2014). Job commitment and intention to leave the profession were measured with one item each. Content analysis using AGA (Szalay and Brent,1967) method revealed that the most prevalent career retention forces were psychological rewards of work and love of children. Intrinsic motivational factors were more important than extrinsic ones, such as coercion or work-related circumstantial benefits. However, for teachers who showed stronger signs of burnout, these extrinsic factors played a greater role in career retention than for their colleagues who did not show burnout. Our results confirm that the main attraction of a career in teaching, besides the love of working with children, is the freedom to work creatively, the persistent absence or severe limitation of which may contribute to leaving the profession.


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Szabó, Éva, & Fehérváry, G. (2023). Vocation or Compulsion? : Vocation or compulsion?. Iskolakultúra, 33(5), 3–20. https://doi.org/10.14232/iskkult.2023.5.3


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