In the Cobweb of the Past. Traumatic Memory in Márta Mészaros' Aurora Borealis and Adania Shibli's Minor Detail

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Vera Kérchy


The study examines the cinematic and literary expressions of traumatic memory in Márta Mészáros’ film, Aurora Borealis (2017) and Adania Shibli’s novel Minor Detail (1917). Both fictional stories use real historical backgrounds and explore issues of representation, recollection, documentation, individual and collective memory in relation to the theme of rape in the war conflict. Both the novel and the film avoid the illusion of total accessibility and, through the deconstruction of conventional narrative structure, gently shed light on events that are missing from the grand narrative of history and personal life, and that remain in the shadows. Just as the traumatized person communicates through bodily performances in the absence of verbal means, both the novel and the film reveal their own materiality, shifting the experience of uncertainty to the relationship between the receiver and the text, to the position of the interpreter.

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How to Cite
Kérchy, Vera. 2023. “In the Cobweb of the Past. Traumatic Memory in Márta Mészaros’ Aurora Borealis and Adania Shibli’s Minor Detail”. Interdisciplinary EJournal of Gender Studies 13 (2):15-34.
Author Biography

Vera Kérchy, University of Szeged

Kérchy, Vera received her doctoral degree in Literary Theory in 2012 from the Doctoral School of Literary Studies, University of Szeged, and did her habilitation at University of Pécs in 2021. She is Associate Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature, University of Szeged. She primarily teaches courses on film and theatre studies. Her research interests include theories of performativity, deconstructive irony, intermediality, and aesthetics of contemporary theatre and film. She has published two books: Színház és dekonstrukció. A de Man-i retorikaelmélet színházelméleti kihívásai (Theatre and Deconstruction. The Theatrical Challenges of de Man's Rhetorical Theory) (2014); Médea lányai. Performatív aktusok a kortárs film színpadán (Daughters of Medea. Performative Acts on the "Stage" of Contemporary Film) (2019). E-mail: