Dear Reader,

We are happy and proud to welcome you to TNTeF, the Interdisciplinary eJournal of Gender Studies, the first Hungarian journal in the field. TNTeF is a double peer-reviewed electronic journal of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences.

In the Fall 2010 TNT, the Gender Studies Research Group at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged decided to create an academic site for regular interaction of scholars researching Hungarian women’s and feminists’ life and movements as well as their cultural, literary and media representations, inside and outside the boarders of the country.

We are, first and foremost, a Hungarian journal; however, each edition will have the abstracts published in English. We are also planning to include the occasional section in English language.

The journal is published twice a year, appearing in June  and December. The Spring issue will be a representative collection of the talks delivered at the Annual Gender Studies Conference every fall the research group is in charge of; the Fall issue will be based on the contributions sent in for a CFP published in the Spring issue (4-6 articles).

This eJournal is launched to provide a forum for papers presenting research in gender studies. We wish to encourage and inspire dialogue and critical curiosity between scholars of different academic fields. We would like the journal to function as a point of convergence, as a medium that inspires scholars of different social and cultural backgrounds to reflect on and draw from each others’ work. We aspire to become a professional forum that attends to the positionality and value-driven character of analyses, as well as the personal involvement of the researcher. Given the interdisciplinary nature of gender studies, contributions from both Humanities and the Social Sciences are welcome. Our objective is to create working relations between different academic fields, generations of feminist researchers and schools through the articulation of women’s lived experiences. Our main editorial principle is to lend the journal a voice that speaks of freedom engendered by a desire for understanding, doing justice to the contributors’ diversity across space, time, and values.

Each issue consists of a main section of Research Articles (4-6); a Forum for interviews and reactions to previous articles (1-3); Reviews for publications on gender relations published in Hungary and elsewhere in Hungarian or in other languages about Hungary; a News section informing readers of PhD defences, upcoming conferences, new degree programs, and upcoming or recent cultural and political events, as time constraints allow.
We encourage the Reader to send us any relevant information of public interest in this regard.

TNTeF Editors