Food security and sustainability - chances and limitations of agriculture

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I. Farkas
I. Balla
B. Pósa
Márton Jolánkai


The increasing population of the world may induce various problems. There are two major fields; food security and adequate fresh water supply, which are predominant for all Global economic structures. On the other hand all activities implemented in favour of meeting the demand of the population, increase the ecological footprint and may risk sustainability of both mankind and its environment. The present study deals with an assessment of future trends on the basis of the present state of alimentation. Agriculture has a basic role in providing food for the human race. All sort of activities of that are in relation with the environment and at the same time they are driven by economic and social aspects. Sustainable agriculture can only be implemented if agricultural production can be run in an environment which is socially bearable, and economically viable. The scheme has to take into consideration that the society has to be equitable economically continuously. Whenever any of these interrelations cannot be manifested, the whole system may turn to be non-sustainable, or inefficient regarding food security.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Farkas, I., I. Balla, B. Pósa, és Márton Jolánkai. 2013. „Food Security and Sustainability - Chances and Limitations of Agriculture”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):11-16.
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