Science parks city regions after the global economic crisis

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Sarolta Noémi Horváth


We now live in a global knowledge economy where governments are investing to boost innovation, science and technological development. Their aim is to help position cities and regions to be competitive in the context of the current global economic change. The regional dimension is important. National policies create a framework for innovation but the locus of much innovation is at the regional and local level. Experience in the exploitation of technological innovation to support regional and local economic development has grown, and good practice relating to this process is much better understood. Innovation and collaboration are the keys. Isolationism through protectionism around domestic markets serves no one in the long term. The promotion and exploitation of innovation depends on research funded by both government and industry, as well as user-driven research. It also depends on high volumes of knowledge transfer and relationships between lot of international institutions collaborating formally on research in general or on specific scientific challenges. The main objective of the present study is to analyse through international, especially British experiences the possible development impacts to the city region of knowledge-based urban areas elsewhere in Europe.

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Hogyan kell idézni
Horváth, Sarolta Noémi. 2012. „Science Parks City Regions After the Global Economic Crisis”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (2):569-76.
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