Environmentally friendly nutrient supply of spring barley
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We examined the effect of fertilization and soil bacterium preparation on the yield of spring barley varieties
in 2011. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks. The soil of the experiment was
calcareous meadow chernozem. During the experiment we applied seven different fertilizer bacteria
treatments, which we supplemented with a control plot. The year 2011 was unfavourable for spring barley
production. In 2011 the amount of precipitation in the vegetation period of spring barley was lower than the
average of 30 by 39.7 mm. As a result, relatively low yields formed. The control plots had the lowest average
yield, 2.2-2.42 t/ha. We can claim that improving the nutrient supply the crop results were higher. Without
the bacteria treatment the crop results were between 3.12 and 4.42 t/ha. The most favourable results occurred
in case of N 80 kg/ha+PK and N 120kg/ha+PK treatments. Under the influence of soil bacteria treatments the
average yields were better, which obviously proves the nutriment transformation ability of the bacteria. With
bacteria treatments the result was 3.37 –4.5 t/ha, so owing to this we registered 0.1 – 0.44 t/ha extra yield.
in 2011. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks. The soil of the experiment was
calcareous meadow chernozem. During the experiment we applied seven different fertilizer bacteria
treatments, which we supplemented with a control plot. The year 2011 was unfavourable for spring barley
production. In 2011 the amount of precipitation in the vegetation period of spring barley was lower than the
average of 30 by 39.7 mm. As a result, relatively low yields formed. The control plots had the lowest average
yield, 2.2-2.42 t/ha. We can claim that improving the nutrient supply the crop results were higher. Without
the bacteria treatment the crop results were between 3.12 and 4.42 t/ha. The most favourable results occurred
in case of N 80 kg/ha+PK and N 120kg/ha+PK treatments. Under the influence of soil bacteria treatments the
average yields were better, which obviously proves the nutriment transformation ability of the bacteria. With
bacteria treatments the result was 3.37 –4.5 t/ha, so owing to this we registered 0.1 – 0.44 t/ha extra yield.
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How to Cite
Jakab, Péter, and Piroska Jakabné Nagy. 2013. “Environmentally Friendly Nutrient Supply of Spring Barley”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):274-77. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13321.