Biogas experiments with pig slurry and wheat processing residues
Main Article Content
An energetic aim of the utilisation of the manure meaning serious environmental load with other wastes
between the economic structural relations of a certain micro-region increases the profit-making ability of
reverse investments to this aim significantly together with byproducts. The economical operation of the pork
breeding claims the increase of the firm size especially, which may entail the considerable increase of the
environment-damaging effects. The many times beneficial application of the biogas production (energy
production + environmental protection investment + bio-manure production + the treatment of hazardous
waste and its utilisation) expounds his effect then only, if the possible coferment’s power generating ability is
modelled similar to operating circumstances between conditions on an experimental road beforehand. I
outlined the possible techniques of application being attached to the different methane content of the biogas
in my work. I pretended with the loads changing, the changing of substrate combinations and the changing of
manure production in the course of the experiments. The intensity of the methane production of the direct
measure of the activity of the methanogen bacteria, and than like that, the most sensitive, typical indicator of
the digester’s yield. The combination of the produced gas and its yield features that may be useful to estimate
the stability of the anaerobic system. Consequently the results of the examinations bring practical profit on
the sizing, investment and firm operational area indispensable.
between the economic structural relations of a certain micro-region increases the profit-making ability of
reverse investments to this aim significantly together with byproducts. The economical operation of the pork
breeding claims the increase of the firm size especially, which may entail the considerable increase of the
environment-damaging effects. The many times beneficial application of the biogas production (energy
production + environmental protection investment + bio-manure production + the treatment of hazardous
waste and its utilisation) expounds his effect then only, if the possible coferment’s power generating ability is
modelled similar to operating circumstances between conditions on an experimental road beforehand. I
outlined the possible techniques of application being attached to the different methane content of the biogas
in my work. I pretended with the loads changing, the changing of substrate combinations and the changing of
manure production in the course of the experiments. The intensity of the methane production of the direct
measure of the activity of the methanogen bacteria, and than like that, the most sensitive, typical indicator of
the digester’s yield. The combination of the produced gas and its yield features that may be useful to estimate
the stability of the anaerobic system. Consequently the results of the examinations bring practical profit on
the sizing, investment and firm operational area indispensable.
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How to Cite
Sallai, László. 2012. “Biogas Experiments With Pig Slurry and Wheat Processing Residues”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):418-23.