The importance of choosing quality children’s works – Analysis of Benedek Elek’s fairy tale titled Többsincs királyfi

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Eszter Lőrincz


The use of quality works for children in kindergartens is also crucial from an aesthetic and pedagogical point of view. However, judging what is good is not so easy, since there is now a rich selection of books available, whether it is books from previous decades or contemporary works. Educators, kindergarten teachers and parents can choose from several books, but how do we find our way in the multitude of them? Why is it important to examine a work intended for children from an adult’s perspective? To answer the question, I chose the method of fairy tale analysis, which conveys exciting and interesting facts. There are events and phenomena that are considered everyday events that children do not even notice, but adults often want to explain these twists and turns and find a logical solution to them. However, it is precisely the explanation, the appropriateness of which can be questioned, since good fairy tales are characterized by the fact that anything can happen in them. In my study, I analyze a work by Benedek Elek to prove this statement.

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How to Cite
Lőrincz, E. (2023). The importance of choosing quality children’s works – Analysis of Benedek Elek’s fairy tale titled Többsincs királyfi. Módszertani Közlemények, 63(3), 129–140.


Benedek Elek (1920): Édes anyaföldem! Egy nép s egy ember története I kötet. Magyar Elektronikus Könyvtár. (2021.01.17.)

Benedek Elek (1989): Többsincs királyfi. Offset és játékkártya Nyomda, Budapest.

Lengyel Dénes (1972): Benedek Elek. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.

Pál József és Újvári Edit (1997): Szimbólumtár − Jelképek, motívumok, témák az egyetemes és a magyar kultúrából. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest.

Vígh Éva (2019): Állatszimbólumtár A−Z. Balassi Kiadó, Budapest. allatszimbolumtar_mtmt.pdf (2022.03.13.)