Niche Marketing in the Artisan Food Market How the Coronavirus Affected the Applied Marketing Mix?

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Edina Lendvai
Hédi Kőműves


The advantage of niche marketing over mass marketing is that it can respond more quickly to existing and rapidly changing smaller markets, where flexibility and differentiation are valued. Our research aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the artisan food market. The primary research focuses on the elements of niche marketing strategy and factors influencing food consumer behaviour. Secondary research will focus on an online market and on some of the consumer behaviours that have been affected by the pandemic. Our survey used a questionnaire to investigate the adaptation of producers selling in the Bödön Market to the new situation. In addition, the consumer side was also explored, but not included in the study. The results show that the pandemic has led to an increase in demand for credit card payments and home delivery. The importance of an online presence in terms of promotion and expansion of sales channels was recognised and applied by producers.


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How to Cite
Lendvai, Edina, and Hédi Kőműves. 2024. “Niche Marketing in the Artisan Food Market : How the Coronavirus Affected the Applied Marketing Mix?”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 18 (3-4):99-106.
Corporate success, sales promotion, consumer behaviour and product development
Author Biography

Edina Lendvai, University of Szeged Faculty of Engineering

főiskolai docens


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