An open-source journal editorial system for the journals of the University of Szeged


  • Acta Hispanica

    Acta Hispanica is a scientific and indexed journal (MATARKA, ProQuest, LATINDEX, BASE, HUMANUS, EPA, CORE) of the Department of Hispanic Studies published annually since 1996. It is an interdisciplinary collection of articles and studies on Hispanic culture, history and literature as well as on Spanish linguistics written in Spanish, Catalan, Galician or Portuguese, and in some cases in English.

  • Acta Historiae Litterarum Hungaricarum

    Acta Historiae Litterarum Hungaricarum is the annuary of the Department of Hungarian Literature, Faculty of  Humanities and Social Sciences, Szeged University. Its publishing has been uninterrupted since 1961 and has kept its basic mission: to publish the papers and treatises of teachers and researchers working at or being in  professional connection with  the Department and  the Faculty of Humanities, on the history of literature, literary science and literary theory. In 2016 a new editorial board was founded, and from the 32nd issue a new stream  started. The annuary became more open towards international phenomena (world literature, and special emphasis on Middle European literature) – as  reflected in the multilingualism of the editorial board and also in the fact that they come from more than one country. Interdisciplinarity, intermediality and comparative approach has also intensified in the publication. 

  • Acta Historica (Szeged)

    The Acta Historica is a periodical journal published by the Institute of History of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Szeged. The journal publishes studies in Hungarian authored by the Institute's professors and researchers. From 1957 onwards, the Acta Historica, which legal predecessors were the Magyar Királyi Ferenc József University of (Cluj) and Actas of the University Szeged, published more than 140 volumes.

  • Analecta Technica Szegedinensia

    The Analecta Technica Szegedinensia (Anal. Tech. Szeged.), is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in engineering related sciences. The aim of the Journal is to offer scientists and engineering specialists all over the world an international forum to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of engineering science.

  • Acta Sana

    Acta Sana is a peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal of the University of Szeged, Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies. The journal carries original research articles, case report articles and review articles. Papers connected to the education, theory and practice of nursing, health visiting, health behavior, physiotherapy and social work are preferred.

  • AMERICANA E-journal of American Studies in Hungary

    AMERICANA – E-Journal of American Studies in Hungary, supported and maintained by the Department of American Studies at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged, has been launched to provide a forum for students and scholars who are actively engaged in studying the culture of the United States of America and the Americas.

    AMERICANA is a peer-reviewed, entirely non-profit, copyrights of the articles are licensed under Creative Commons 4.0. The journal serves exclusively as an educational and academic forum for scholars and students having interest in the field of American Studies. The views expressed in the essays do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors of AMERICANA.

    AMERICANA is indexed by the following professional organizations: EBSCOMLAERIH PLUS.

  • Antikvitás & Reneszánsz

    Antikvitás & Reneszánsz [Antiquity & Renaissance] (A&R) is the scientific journal of the MTA-SZTE Antiquity and Renaissance: Resources and Reception Research Group, founded in 2017. The first issue was published in spring 2018. Published twice a year, the aims of the periodical is to presents the antique and renaissance period of European civilization and studies of the relationship between these periods. Furthermore publish the results of research on classical philology, neolithic literature, art history, archeology, literature of neo-latin languages, cultural history, neolithic literature and centuries of Hungarian reception. A&R offers publishing opportunities in the form of peer-reviewed studies, reviews and shorter source publications.

  • Chronica

    The Chronica. Annual of the Institute of History, University of Szeged is a periodical journal by published the Institute of History of the Faculty of Arts at University of Szeged. The journal publishes studies, book reviews and scientific reports in foreign languages written by the Institute's professors, students (PhD, MA) and researchers. The Chronica has been present for almost two decades in the international academic life.

  • Community Connections – Studies on Culture and Education

    Community Connections - studies on education, culture: Online Journal of the KAPOCS Research Group University of Szeged, Gyula Juhász Pedagogical Faculty

    In May 2020, in order to provide a framework for the multiple scientific activities at the Institute of Cultural Studies and to ensure the coherence of the quality and ethical standards of multidisciplinary research, the Institute's staff created a research group. The journal launched by the research team, which is published twice a year, aims to meet these objectives by providing a forum for the contributions of both national and international researchers.

  • Geopolitikai Szemle

    Egy olyan folyóiratot szeretnénk elindítani és működtetetni, mely, publikációs platformot biztosít a geopolitikával foglalkozó oktatók, kutatók, szakemberek és PhD-hallgatók számára.

  • HistGlob Working Paper

    The HistGlob Working Paper, launched in 2020, is a periodical of the MTA-SZTE-ELTE History of Globalization Research Group. The first results of our work dealing with the historical exploration of the appearance of globalization and territorialization processes in Hungary, as well as the analysis of the Hungarian discourse on globalization, appear in this series.

  • Interdisciplinary eJournal of Gender Studies

    In the Fall 2010 TNT, the Gender Studies Research Group at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Szeged decided to create a double blind peer-reviewed journal for regular interaction of scholars researching Hungarian women’s and feminists’ life and movements as well as their cultural, literary and media representations, inside and outside the boarders of the country.
    We are, first and foremost, a Hungarian journal; however, each edition will have the abstracts published in English. We are also planning to include the occasional section in English language.

  • Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok

    Jelenkori társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatok [Current social and economic processes] (ISSN 1788-7593 / Print, ISSN 2676-9867 / Online) is a social science journal of the Department of Engineering Management and Economics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Szeged. The journal is a forum for researches on various aspects of the functioning of society and economy. Thus, the journal addresses a wide range of topics in order to provide an opportunity to present the results of societal and economic researches in a broader context.

  • Közép-Európai Közlemények

    The Közép-Európai Közlemények is a journal of historians, regional science, geography, and business and organizational sciences. The first year was launched in 2008 and has been published four times a year since then. In the journal, after a double peer-review, they accept the first-rate studies in Central and Eastern Europe in Hungarian and English.

  • Köztes-Európa

    The Köztes-Európa. Társadalomtudományi Folyóirat is the successor to the Virtuális Intézet Közép-Európa Kutatására Közleményei, founded in 2009. Since 2014, the current title has been published four times a year on a multidisciplinary basis from the history of science to the topic of leadership. After a double peer-review the journal publishes new research results in Hungarian and English.

  • Journal of Environmental Geography

    The Journal of Environmental Geography is an Open Access, peer-reviewed international journal that aims to publish original academic research of high scholarly standards in geography and environmental science, emphasizing human-related processes in its broader sense.

  • Mediterrán Tanulmányok

    The annual Mediterrán Tanulmányok [Journal of Mediterranean Studies] covers mainly the historical problems of the wider Mediterranean region (North Africa, the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, the Middle East), and the region's relations with other parts of the world, from the modern age to the present day (16- 21st century). The published articles are expected not to be written in Hungarian.

  • Módszertani Közlemények

    The journal is published three times a year: in spring (Szociálpedagógia szám [Social Pedagogy issue]), in autumn (Óvodapedagógia szám [Kindergarten pedagogy issue]) and in winter (Tanító szám [Teacher issue]). The jornual publishes those scientific and methodological studies on the past and present of the theory and practice of pedagogy, social pedagogy, kindergarten pedagogy, special education, that had not been published yet. Furthermore, we also publish student's paper, book reviews, and children's book reviews.

  • nCOGNITO - Kognitív Kultúraelméleti Közlemények

    Kognitív Kultúraelméleti Közlemények

    A Kognitív Poétika Kutatócsoport periodikuma. A folyóirat elsősorban az irodalomtudomány és a kognitív tudományok területén zajló interdiszciplináris kutatások eredményeinek közlését tűzte ki céljául. Olyan tanulmányok megjelenését szolgálja, amelyek a kognitív és evolúciós pszichológia eredményeinek figyelembevételével foglalkoznak irodalmi szövegek, filmek és egyéb, például digitális médiumok befogadásának folyamataival. A folyóirat egyes számai tematikus hangsúllyal vizsgálják az evolúció során kialakult kognitív és érzelmi mechanizmusokat, illetve ezek megjelenési formáit, például az oksági gondolkodás, az elmeolvasás, a narratív empátia, a feszültségkeltés, illetve a morális ítélet befolyását a különböző esztétikai gyakorlatokban. Ezt a célkitűzést követve a folyóirat széles körben teszi lehetővé tanulmányok megjelentetését a stilisztikai jelenségek magyarázata (metafora, metonímia, allegória, szimbólumok), a poétikusság mibenlétének kérdése, az elbeszélt történetek megértése, a szereplők és fiktív világok mentális reprezentációinak megalkotása, a művészeti és irodalmi recepcióval kapcsolatos érzelmi folyamatok és az irodalmi szövegekből kiinduló jelentésképzés, illetve egyéb interdiszciplináris kérdésfeltevések tárgykörében.

    A folyóirat online formában jelenik meg a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Klebelsberg Kuno Könyvtára OJS folyóirat-platformján. A 2022-es számok „Negatív érzelmek az esztétikai befogadásban” címmel jelentek meg, míg a 2023. évi első szám tematikája „Elbeszélés és kauzális gondolkodás” lesz. A szerzők és a szakmai lektorok az ország különböző felsőoktatási intézményeiből, illetve határon túli egyetemek munkatársaiból kerülnek ki.

  • Review on Agriculture and Rural Development

    The journal publishes original papers presenting new scientific results as well as reviews on each field of agriculture, agricultural economics, rural development and their related topics.


  • Sapiens ubique civis

    Sapiens ubique civis is an annual international peer-reviewed journal in English published by the Department of Classical and Neo-Latin Studies of University of Szeged with the main purpose of providing a publication platform for participants of annual PhD student and young scholar conference Sapiens ubique civis.

  • Studia Uralo-altaica

    Studia Uralo-altaica is a series of the Department of Altaic Studies of the University of Szeged and the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies. The first issue was published in 1973. The volumes are typically monographic, but may also include selected and peer-reviewed papers of conferences.


    The Taylor Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományi Folyóirat is one legal successor of the Virtuális Intézet Közép-Európa Kutatására Közleményei founded in 2009. Since 2014 it has been published four times a year with the current title, specifically in the field of leadership science and economics. After a double peer-review the journal publishes new research articles in Hungarian and English.

  • Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology

    The series Working Papers in Corpus Linguistics and Digital Technologies: Analyses and Methodology (WPCL) is an online publication, designed to open up ongoing research to a broader audience for discussion. We welcome empirical and theoretical contributions as well as corpus descriptions. The manuscripts provide external referee process.

    WPCL volumes appear irregular but at least once a year.