A mezőgazdasági kistermelők helyzete a Dél-Alföldön


Erika Weber


Aim of the research is to uncover and present the operational features and possibilities of the Southern Great Plain region’s agriculture. Regarding to this in my lecture I will analyse the changes of the production and possibilities of the agricultural small-scale farmers from 1990’s till present. I am looking for the answer for which economic and social factors had the greatest impact on the production of the small-scale farmers after the transformation or elimination of the purchaser safter the change of the regime and what market opportunities are remained or formed. A questionnaire survey is also a part of the research, in which participants are small-scale farmers from the Southern Great Plain Region, who are directly experiencing the changes and their effects. In the study I present the problem and possibilities of the small-scale farmers in this region based on statistical databases and revealed data from a questionnaire survey.


Hogyan kell idézni
Weber, Erika. 2014. „A mezőgazdasági kistermelők Helyzete a Dél-Alföldön”. Köztes-Európa 6 (2-3):53-60. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/vikekke/article/view/12672.