Byzantine Epigrams on the Cross and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ The Case of John Mauropous

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Anastasios Kantaras


This article presents the Byzantine epigrams centred around the cross and the crucifixion as compiled by one of the most emblematic scholar figures of the Church in the beginning of the 11th century, namely John Mauropous. The goal of this article is to present the main patterns from those epigrams, spot potential influences from other texts of a preceding time as well as draw basic conclusions.

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How to Cite
Kantaras, A. (2021). Byzantine Epigrams on the Cross and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ: The Case of John Mauropous. Sapiens Ubique Civis, 2, 163–196.
Author Biography

Anastasios Kantaras, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Anastasios Kantaras is a BA holder from the School of Philology, A.U.Th. (Thessaloniki), an MA holder in Byzantine Philology from the University of Crete (Rethymno) and is a Doctor in the department of Medieval Greek Philology, School of Philology, A.U.Th. (Thessaloniki) researching Byzantine epigrams about the cross and the crucifixion.