Effect of addition of live yeast culture on fattening performance on some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male kids fed with sucrose supplemented concentrate
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The aim of this study were to evaluate the effects of live yeast culture (LYC) as a feed additive on fattening
performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male goats fed with sucrose (S) supplemented
concentrate. Totally 18 male Saanen goat kids were divided into three groups, no S and LYC (S(-)) as
control, 3 % S (S(+)) and 3 % S plus LYC group (S+LYC), each containing 6 kids. Concentrates of groups
were formulated as isonitrogenic and isocaloric. LYC (Rumisacc®, Integro Food Industry and Trade Co.,
İstanbul, Turkey (containing live yeast cell 344 x 1010 cfu per gram) was included in the concentrate at 2%
as feed basis. Feeding schedule was established with only concentrate, feed was given ad libitum and
roughage was not given. Addition of LYC plus S to concentrate increased ruminal ammonia-N and
decreased ruminal pH compeared with sucrose unsupplemented control group. Addition of live yeast culture
and sucrose did not affect fattening performance and blood parameters significantly on P<0.05 except HGB
and HCT.
performance, some blood and rumen fluid parameters in male goats fed with sucrose (S) supplemented
concentrate. Totally 18 male Saanen goat kids were divided into three groups, no S and LYC (S(-)) as
control, 3 % S (S(+)) and 3 % S plus LYC group (S+LYC), each containing 6 kids. Concentrates of groups
were formulated as isonitrogenic and isocaloric. LYC (Rumisacc®, Integro Food Industry and Trade Co.,
İstanbul, Turkey (containing live yeast cell 344 x 1010 cfu per gram) was included in the concentrate at 2%
as feed basis. Feeding schedule was established with only concentrate, feed was given ad libitum and
roughage was not given. Addition of LYC plus S to concentrate increased ruminal ammonia-N and
decreased ruminal pH compeared with sucrose unsupplemented control group. Addition of live yeast culture
and sucrose did not affect fattening performance and blood parameters significantly on P<0.05 except HGB
and HCT.
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How to Cite
Bugdayci, Kadir Emre, M. Numan Oguz, Fatma Karakas Oguz, and Sima Sahinduran. 2014. “Effect of Addition of Live Yeast Culture on Fattening Performance on Some Blood and Rumen Fluid Parameters in Male Kids Fed With Sucrose Supplemented Concentrate”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 3 (1):256-64. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13432.