Examination of territorial inequlities in Hungary's multiperipheric boomerang micro regions
Main Article Content
The gap between the urban and rural areas is significant in Hungary. The examination of disadvantaged
regions goes back to a long history, which is greatly influenced by the ever-changing natural, economic and
human resources. The focus of our research is to examine the economic and social dimensions of the spatial
imbalances, concerning the land-use relations. The main reason for the creation of spatial differences is that
the economic and social processes are always restructured in space and time (NAGY-KÁPOSZTA, 2004;
RITTER, 2010). In our opinion the topic is timely because the usefulness of the research is important ranging
from rural development, to spatial planning and the elaboration of local and regional development strategies.
Spatial discrepancies in Hungary cause the disadvantage of rural areas, contributing to their lagging behind
compared to the urban areas (HORSKÁ et.al., 2012). We have overviewed the related literature, introducing
the creation of territorial imbalances, the territorial competitiveness, spatial development strategies and the
up-to-date issues of the national land-use.
regions goes back to a long history, which is greatly influenced by the ever-changing natural, economic and
human resources. The focus of our research is to examine the economic and social dimensions of the spatial
imbalances, concerning the land-use relations. The main reason for the creation of spatial differences is that
the economic and social processes are always restructured in space and time (NAGY-KÁPOSZTA, 2004;
RITTER, 2010). In our opinion the topic is timely because the usefulness of the research is important ranging
from rural development, to spatial planning and the elaboration of local and regional development strategies.
Spatial discrepancies in Hungary cause the disadvantage of rural areas, contributing to their lagging behind
compared to the urban areas (HORSKÁ et.al., 2012). We have overviewed the related literature, introducing
the creation of territorial imbalances, the territorial competitiveness, spatial development strategies and the
up-to-date issues of the national land-use.
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How to Cite
Némedi-Kollár, Kitti, Tibor Csonka, and Adrienn Nagy. 2013. “Examination of Territorial Inequlities in Hungary’s Multiperipheric Boomerang Micro Regions”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):351-56. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13335.