Mineral content of different winter wheat cultivars
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In the present study the contents of Cu, Mn and Zn were investigated in the grains of different winter wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The nine varieties of winter wheat were: Potenzial, Kalango, Apache, Soisson,
Kristina, Chevallier, Panonnikus, Alex and Lovrin 34. The experimental field was placed in 2009-2010
agricultural year, on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) with the fertilization level N120P60K60.
For this goal, the mineral elements mentioned were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)
and for their determination was used the atomic absorption spectrophotometer’s contr AA 300, Analytik Jena.
The high contents of Cu were registered by Kalango, Panonikus and Soisson winter wheat cultivars and the
lower contents by Potenzial and Apache. Regarding Zn content, Soisson had the greatest value and Apache the
lowest value of this parameter. With the exception of Apache winter wheat cultivar, all the varieties registered
high values of Mn content. Results of our study demonstrated that mineral content for winter wheat cultivars is strongly influenced by the biological factor.
(Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. The nine varieties of winter wheat were: Potenzial, Kalango, Apache, Soisson,
Kristina, Chevallier, Panonnikus, Alex and Lovrin 34. The experimental field was placed in 2009-2010
agricultural year, on a cambic chernozem in Timisoara (west of Romania) with the fertilization level N120P60K60.
For this goal, the mineral elements mentioned were quantified by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)
and for their determination was used the atomic absorption spectrophotometer’s contr AA 300, Analytik Jena.
The high contents of Cu were registered by Kalango, Panonikus and Soisson winter wheat cultivars and the
lower contents by Potenzial and Apache. Regarding Zn content, Soisson had the greatest value and Apache the
lowest value of this parameter. With the exception of Apache winter wheat cultivar, all the varieties registered
high values of Mn content. Results of our study demonstrated that mineral content for winter wheat cultivars is strongly influenced by the biological factor.
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How to Cite
Alda, Liana Maria, Simion Alda, Despina-Maria Bordean, Diana Moigradean, Ioan Gogoasa, Teodor Cristea, Gheorghe Carciu, and Iosif Gergen. 2013. “Mineral Content of Different Winter Wheat Cultivars”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 2 (1):104-8. https://www.iskolakultura.hu/index.php/rard/article/view/13290.