The feed composition of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) on plain habitats
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In Europe and in our homeland the roe deer is the most widespread big game, estimated population in 2010 exceeded three hundred and fifty thousand (National Game Management Database, 2010). The aim of this research is to find out what kind of differences and resemblances can be found in feeding strategies at the examined plain habitats. The feed selection habit of one of the most important big game in our homeland has not been researched yet in detail in the counties Csongrád, Békés and Bács-Kiskun, where the roe deer population is numerous and excellent. The detailed knowledge of the related specific feeding strategies contributes not only to the better cognition of this kind but also provides a developed opportunity for the game managers to reach better game husbandry results. Beyond the practical significance of the theme there are some other peculiarities to be cleared up in connection with the nourishment of roe deer. The practical and theoretical questions are what kind of feeding strategies would be typical and reasonable for the roe deer living on the plain at different seasons?
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How to Cite
Barta, Tamás, István Majzinger, and János Gundel. 2012. “The Feed Composition of Roe Deer (Capreolus Capreolus) on Plain Habitats”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (2):556-62.