The effect of fertilization and liming on some grain quality properties of wheat
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The present research was carried out to investigate fertilizer and lime effect on some grain quality properties of wheat cultivars (thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight). The experiment was set up at the experimental field of the Small Grains Research Centre Kragujevac over 2003/2004-2004/2005 seasons. The soil was smonitza (vertisol) with very high natural acidity. The trial consisted of a completely randomized block experimental design with three replications, the size of each plot being 14 m-2. The research included six winter wheat varieties (Takovčanka, Studenica, KG-100, Matica, Ana Morava and Toplica) created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac. The following variants of fertilization were applied: Control -T1 (no fertilization), mineral fertilizer-T2
(500 kg ha-1 NPK – 15:15:15), nitrogen fertilizer + lime fertilizer-T3 (75 kg N ha-1 in form of KAN + 2.0 t ha-1
CaCO3 in form of "Njival Ca" - 98.5% CaCO3), mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizer–T4 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1
CaCO3), and mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizer + organic fertilizer –T5 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t
ha-1 manure). The results showed significant influence of all kinds of fertilizers on the physical grain quality
properties of wheat (thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight). The best results for both these components have
been achieved with the combination of fertilizers (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t ha-1 of manure). High
values for thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight were also recorded in the application of NPK fertilizers only. The lowest value for this properties are achieved in the control treatment (no fertilizer), and then on the combined fertilizers (N + CaCO3).
(500 kg ha-1 NPK – 15:15:15), nitrogen fertilizer + lime fertilizer-T3 (75 kg N ha-1 in form of KAN + 2.0 t ha-1
CaCO3 in form of "Njival Ca" - 98.5% CaCO3), mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizer–T4 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1
CaCO3), and mineral fertilizer + lime fertilizer + organic fertilizer –T5 (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t
ha-1 manure). The results showed significant influence of all kinds of fertilizers on the physical grain quality
properties of wheat (thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight). The best results for both these components have
been achieved with the combination of fertilizers (500 kg ha-1 NPK + 2.0 t ha-1 CaCO3 + 35.0 t ha-1 of manure). High
values for thousand grain weight and hectoliter weight were also recorded in the application of NPK fertilizers only. The lowest value for this properties are achieved in the control treatment (no fertilizer), and then on the combined fertilizers (N + CaCO3).
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How to Cite
Zečević, Veselinka, Jelena Bošković, Desimir Knežević, and Danica Mićanović. 2012. “The Effect of Fertilization and Liming on Some Grain Quality Properties of Wheat”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):470-75.