The impact of dissemination on teenegers
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Several things can influence us when our opinion is being shaped. Media, traditions and superstitions can be
harmful factors of influence. The most receptive and vulnerable age group is the 8-14 year old teenagers.
During this period outside impacts are playing decisive role to shape their personality (these effects can
predict what kind of person they will become). We have done an attitude survey in this age group. Our
question was as follows: Can significant difference be detected between "treated" school group and "control"
school group due to the dissemination? A paper-based questionnaire was used, about bats and what children
think about bats. The questionnaire included 22 items based on the works of ADDAMS & LINDSEY (2009) and
LETENYEI & NAGY (2007). The questionnaires were summarized as "treated" and "control" groups, then
Microsoft Excel was used to perform Chi-square tests. From 22 questions only four were shown significant
difference and three differences out of four were shown in the control group. The wrong answers percentage
was increased all the three times. Treated group was shown strong significant difference (p=0,001) in one
question (“How do you relate to bats?”). In this case the positive attitude has been increased due to the
dissemination. Since there is not any significant difference in the vast majority of these questions (before and after the dissemination), the effect of the dissemination is questionable. Presumably, there will not be increase in the population’s knowledge, but the emotional attitude can be changed with dissemination.
harmful factors of influence. The most receptive and vulnerable age group is the 8-14 year old teenagers.
During this period outside impacts are playing decisive role to shape their personality (these effects can
predict what kind of person they will become). We have done an attitude survey in this age group. Our
question was as follows: Can significant difference be detected between "treated" school group and "control"
school group due to the dissemination? A paper-based questionnaire was used, about bats and what children
think about bats. The questionnaire included 22 items based on the works of ADDAMS & LINDSEY (2009) and
LETENYEI & NAGY (2007). The questionnaires were summarized as "treated" and "control" groups, then
Microsoft Excel was used to perform Chi-square tests. From 22 questions only four were shown significant
difference and three differences out of four were shown in the control group. The wrong answers percentage
was increased all the three times. Treated group was shown strong significant difference (p=0,001) in one
question (“How do you relate to bats?”). In this case the positive attitude has been increased due to the
dissemination. Since there is not any significant difference in the vast majority of these questions (before and after the dissemination), the effect of the dissemination is questionable. Presumably, there will not be increase in the population’s knowledge, but the emotional attitude can be changed with dissemination.
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How to Cite
Újhegyi, Nikolett, László Patkó, and Miklós Heltai. 2012. “The Impact of Dissemination on Teenegers”. Review on Agriculture and Rural Development 1 (1. suppl.):458-63.