Gazdasági és politikai elemek a II. Orbán-kormány gazdaságpolitikájában

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Gősi János


The economical and political elements of the economic policy of II. Orbán-government
Taxes crisis: banking, commerce, etc.. The flat-rate personal income tax Compulsory membership of private pension funds nationalization of assets
The retail price for repayment of residential foreign currency loans recorded a large loss for the banks II. Orbán government's economic policy for international confidence decreased. The hungarian government bonds and interest rates in November 2011 increased to 8.5% This category is higher than the trumpery of Romania To establish the permanent development it is necessary to employ more: the efficient reform of systems of budget, public administration, education, public health and social welfare.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Gősi, János. 2011. „Gazdasági és Politikai Elemek a II. Orbán-kormány gazdaságpolitikájában”. Jelenkori Társadalmi és Gazdasági Folyamatok 6 (1-2):24-27.
Termelés, gazdálkodás